The benefits of gardening for our psychological well-being

Robert Hood
4 min readMar 17, 2021


Many psychologists believe that doing what we like not only cheers us up but also has a positive effect on our condition in general. Many gardeners enjoy working on their plots with great pleasure. Well, for those who do not yet understand what they might like here, we will tell you about all the advantages of gardening.

Eco-therapy is a great way to maintain health

Scientists from many countries of the world talk about the benefits of human unity with nature. And in the UK, ecotherapy is successfully used throughout the country. Among the most important arguments in favor of this direction in treatment: availability, free of charge and success. Ecotherapy can be in the form of various forms: group sessions, as well as individual. One of the types of ecotherapy is gardening. So what is its use for the psychological state of a person?

No need for antidepressants

Every person has a bad mood from time to time, and some even have a state of depression. Many in such situations go to psychotherapists who prescribe antidepressants. They have to spend a lot of money. But there is an easier option — to spend time in the garden.

A great way to get energy

When you do any gardening work, especially with the ground, you get a great boost of energy. Your sleep improves, and pain sensations decrease or even disappear. By the way, doctors recommend walking barefoot in the garden area from time to time. Of course, you must be very careful to avoid injury. This is not only a great way to harden the body, but also a natural foot massage.

Outdoor labor

If you don’t have enough time for sports, then go to the garden area. Here you will get excellent physical activity and will be able to bring invaluable benefits to your body. An interesting solution is to do gardening work daily or at least several times a week.

Increased life expectancy

Green plants and trees in the garden have a beneficial effect on the health of the body. We can not only take care of our plants but also enjoy the fruits of our hands. Anxiety and worry disappear. All problems seem to be easy to solve and far-fetched. The air in the garden is cleaner and richer in oxygen. Daily walks in the garden area strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system.

You can spend more time with children

If desired, even a child can be interested in gardening work. Even if his help is very insignificant, be sure to praise his work and say that without him you would have had to spend much more time and energy. Children with a great pleasure will watercolors, bushes, planting vegetables from a watering can or a garden hose. Imagine with what pleasure they will eat in the fresh air! Here, even the most capricious reluctant people have an excellent appetite! You will be able to devote more time to your child. And he also has many interesting things to do.

The ability to find friends with the same interests

You will be able to make new acquaintances and communicate with interesting people. Your communication can begin with the simplest questions about what is growing in the garden. And then you will be able to share your experience.

There will always be organic foods in your diet.

Growing fruits, vegetables, berries and much more on your garden plot, you can be sure of the high quality of products. And you will spend much less money on them!

Learn to take care

If you want to get great results, then you will have to learn how to take care of the plants that will be in your garden.

Come join me on my gardening blog, where I unveil a wealth of gardening tips and tricks, guiding you from novice to expert.



Robert Hood

I am a dedicated gardening enthusiast and a certified horticulturist. My profound passion for plant care has led me to share my expertise on: